AmigaOS3.5 (932/967)

Date:30 May 2000 at 00:36:40
Subject:Re: CrossDos with HD-Mountfiles

Hello Ruediger,

On 29-May-00, you wrote:

> Yesh!
> Usually I had important data stored on a MS-DOS formatted HD, that was mounted
> manually via a mountfile. Last week I tried to mount the drive, and it didn't
> worked. So I made a mountfile-entry with HD-Toolbox, but it also didn't
> worked. Finally I choosed MSD and MSH for a spare partition of mine, but when
> trying to format those 250 and 150 MB-Partitions I get a "Error 254" as a
> response, and the disk is still not accessible. Someone has a hint for me?

Never use MS-SOD Disks for storing important Data ;-)


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